9. Show up at your local H&R Block and yell “Free pizza for everyone!”
8. Try to write off your online porn subscriptions as a business expense.
7. Attend a tax day protest with a sign that reads “Fund Doggy Day-Spa Treatments for Bo!”
6. Stand in line at the post office with the intention of viewing the PS I Love You stamp collection.
5. Tell your children to horde the “tax relief” bite-sized cinnamon rolls Cinnabon is giving away since this is what they will be eating for breakfast for the next month.
4. Take your role of “Head of Household” more seriously by wearing a crown and insisting that your family address you as “My Liege”.
3. Make a contribution to wildlife by papering your hamster cage with form IT-201.
2. Find someone who is blind and born before January 2, 1944 and help them check the boxes on line 39a.
1. Claim a child in Malawi as your dependant.
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