So how cool is this? Last week I went into my local Key Food to pick up a few things only to find that there is now a woman working behind the deli counter! She was a tomboy in her mid-twenties with long brown hair, wearing a white deli person coat. I felt the urge to shout “You go, sister!” as she sliced off a pound of Boar’s Head low-sodium turkey for me, but I didn’t want to scare her and make her cut herself.
There is just something so inspiring and refreshing about a woman in a “traditionally male” job. I’ll admit that I get a little feeling of glee when I open up the door of a taxi and see a badass grandma behind the wheel or when Jennifer Beals welds in Flashdance. (The one exception to this is the NYPD. Seriously, what is the deal with those 5’2” 220-pound lady cops I have seen around my neighborhood? I’m sorry, but if some serious shit is going down, I want Ponch coming to my rescue!)
On the flipside, there are some jobs that men just shouldn’t do. The first one that comes to mind is gynecologist. You know the old saying – a male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who doesn’t own a car. And anyway, it’s creepy (yeah, I know, you are just so inspired by the mystery of childbirth!).
Far worse is something that I encountered last week when I decided to try the new nail salon that opened up in my neighborhood – a male manicurist! Now don’t get me wrong, the only person I let cut my hair is a man and the most talented makeup artist I know has the XY chromosome. But there was something so utterly strange about a dude holding my hand, massaging lotion into it and painting my fingernails. It was as if he was disrupting some deeply intimate, feminine ritual.
So listen, mister. Put down the speculum and the Essie “Flirty Fuchsia” and leave those things to us.
I’m not saying it’s fair, I’m just saying I don’t like it.
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