Discounts and Deals (or D&D as I’ll affectionately refer to it) is not, I repeat, not a dollar store. This is a discount Mecca and there are bargains to be had. You can buy everything here, from house wares to clothing. I walked away with a super-cool tank top with blue and red piping ($1.99) a cotton summer nightgown ($2.99) and a pair of capri exercise pants ($2.99). But more interesting than the things you can buy that you actually want are the other things that you have to sort through to get to the good stuff. I have to wonder who looks at an extra-large, slightly irregular lavender t-shirt with a teddy bear bursting out of a rainbow and says “Yes! That’s for me!” And what about the entire bin of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup baseball caps? “Forget the Yanks, this year I’m rooting for junk food!” In a different store, I once actually saw a display of discounted condoms for sale. Now come on, I know the economy is bad, but ask yourself, is this the area I really want to skimp on?
I know that some people are above shopping at a store like D&D and that’s fine. You may think you’re all fancy with your tank top with only two armholes and your totally intact non-irregular condoms! But did you save money? No, you didn’t.